Practicing for Coding, Algorithms and Data Structures Interviews

Published on Jan 1, 1970

1 min read

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About 50% of the companies I interviewed for a software engineering manager position required a coding interview on a whiteboard or computer. Here is a list of the most up-to-date resources for preparing for the coding interview. There are popular books such as _[Cracking the Coding Interview](\_ and sites like the following where you can practice: * [\]( * [\]( * [\](  Also interesting is [Coding Interview University]( a GitHub repo with over 100K stars containing a massive amount of resources to prepare you well for a technical interview at just about any software company, including the giants: Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. There is also a popular repo with [System Design prep material]( **One of the best resources I found for preparing was [\](\*\* Use this code jojfu-46 for 15% off. Here is a video from Google “How to: Work at Google — Candidate Coaching Session for Technical Interviewing.” Cracking the Coding Interview at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2018 [\]( "Play video "Cracking the Coding Interview at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2018"") Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cracking the Coding Interview at Silicon Valley Code Camp 2018 ( I discuss more tips for the Coding, Algorithms and Data Structures Interviews in my new book [The Software Engineering Manager Interview Guide]( ### Missing Any? What did I miss? Let me know in the comments below!

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